Monday, March 08, 2004

Planner vs Lover

You need to work out which woman suits you best in the long run, temper this by a realistic assessment of the chances of the relationship working, and take the best risk adjusted option. At that stage cut off relations (in a friendly way) with all the other women, perhaps even posing a friendship. What is important is the long term, and also making the decision and acting decisively on it. It doesn't actually matter too much if it's the best POSSIBLE decision, it's more important that you make ANY decision.

Who are you trying to kid? All the time you spend planning and trying to predict the future is time wasted. You should be enjoying and loving all these women at the same time. You have made no commitments, and there is no reason to force a commitment. Relax, enjoy yourself, live in the moment. Trust your heart and your gut. What is most important is bringing love to each moment, and serving each woman in this moment. A decision made is an opportunity lost. You always listen to that anal spineless planner - take a risk and listen to me for once.


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