Tuesday, March 02, 2004

I've been through Hell Week so many times, I'm on first name terms with the Devil

I made it. It's been the worst ever first seven days of freedom from nicotine, and a salutory reminder that I simply cannot continue serial quitting.

I look back and this last week has been a complete write off in terms of my work. I got an email today which will probably be the first of many informing me that the project delivery is almost imaginary. I felt waves of shame and anger (and did not smoke).

It's going to take some serious refocussing on my part to get this done before I leave my current employer. I know I shouldn't care, but it's a matter of my own professional pride.

It's time to step up a gear and to get going. I will be posting less often, and spending less time on the Q. I know that will put my quit at risk, but not completing this project will have a much bigger smoking risk.


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