Sunday, March 07, 2004

After the Storm, the Chaos

I've heard stories about the terror some commuters go through in train crashes when they have to get the train home after they're discharged from the hospital. Getting on my flight back home yesterday morning, I had a taste of what that might feel like.

On arrival in debris-strewn Brisbane I went straight to dance classes. I was in that space of no fear, and spent the day being really extroverted. Consequence? The teacher got me to do a demonstration in front of the whole class saying I had one of the best styles she'd ever seen. Consequence? The girls were queuing up to dance with me all day.

Then RCG appeared for the class we take together. More beautiful than I remembered. We made plans for Sunday night dinner.

Back home (1/2 hour drive), back out for another dance class, back home, picked up T, out to a house-warming party, then out dancing again, and finally back home 20 hours after I started the day.

T and I had an interesting interchange. For some reason which I don't rightly recall right now, I told her how her girliness used to really annoy me, but that now I really loved how she lived her full femininity without apology. Of course, she didn't hear the second part, and wanted to know more about the first. I should have seen that one coming. T is also Indian, and most people make the assumption that we were a couple. I now clarify that we're just friends every time I introduce her to others. I've got too many real girlfriends to have an imaginary one as well.


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