Day 13 - The twiddling of thumbs
Well, this I did not expect.
Apparently, nicotine was my greatest ally in the never ending war against productivity. Whenever the gods of achievement sent their troops of "deadline" and "performance objective", or even "stuff to do at home", I could always rely on my addiction. "I'll go have a cigarette first. That way, I'll be able to concentrate."
I had no problem with non-smoking offices. I now had an excuse to leave the building every hour.
Luckily of course, one is never enough, and simply rising from my desk would lead to thousands of new guerilla moves to nail said goal orientated zombies: cup of tea, chat to colleague, phone call to friend, glass of water, visit to toilet, walk past of cute girl in other section, and of course, another "just before I start that" cigarette.
Now, I only have twiddling of the thumbs.
And of course post to this blog. Which is what I'm doing now rather than my tax return.
The "PC" has had much written about it, some of which was deserved, most of which was exaggerated (Nicotine cravings come every 20 mins, the act takes longer than this (adding in injury time), hence PC is simply relieving of excessive craving.) However, the "pre-coital" is a greatly underestimated phenomena, that deserves far more attention. Now by "C" here, I mean LIFE in all its aspects. Nicotine was my way of dealing with my fear and reluctance to enter the fray that is life and living. Fear is of course the underlying emotion of procrastination. Especially the tax return.
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