Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Day 3

I've been reading "Gods in Everyman" by Jean Bolen, which describes the Archetypes of the Greek Gods. She describes Patriarchy better than I've heard it described before. I like the way she puts everything in a cultural context, by saying, for example, that there's nothing wrong with being a Hades man, but it's hard for a Hades man in a Zeus world.

So far I've read Zeus, Posiedon (interestingly compared with Robert Bly's Iron John), Hades and have started Apollo. I'm hoping to identify who I am. I have an instinct I'll be with Hermes, though Apollo and Hades have already struck some chords. I will discuss more with Martin tonight.

Cravings are strong this morning - I suspect the last trace of nicotene has left my body and the receptors are really starting to panic. I'm very conscious of the feeling at the top of my stomach and below my heart that is shaped like a disc approximately two inches in diameter. This is the kinesthetic form of my craving and I have to untangle the basic feelings of "hunger", "sadness", "grief" and "fear" that seem to reside in the same place.

Still noticing that I need to go urinate more often than before, even though I don't seem to be taking in more fluids than normal.


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