Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Side Effects

I've heard all about the irritability, the cravings, the nervous sweats, but I have now discovered the little told side effects from quitting. In the interests of scientific endeavor, I list them here:

1) Flatulence.
2) Clinical stupidity.
3) Extreme Friskiness.
4) Funny taste in mouth as phlegm arrives simultaneously with restoring sense of taste.
5) Radical Nasal Sensitivity. I can smell a smoker three miles away.
6) Extreme Friskiness.
7) Energy Failure. (Scottie to Bridge: She's Blown Cap'n I cannae get more energy from her).
8) There were more, but I can't remember what they were...
9) Oh Yes! Loss of Memory.
10) Did I mention Extreme Friskiness?

Anyway. Water, Deep Breathing, Affirmation etc seems to deal adequately with most of these, except the Extreme Friskiness.

Must Find Alternate Solution.


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