My limiting beliefs
1) Illusion: Smoking helps me think
Reality: Taking time to step away from a situation and breath deeply allows me to see things with greater clarity. I don't need to smoke in order to do that.
2) Illusion: I will always be a smoker
Reality: I have smoked for 14 years. I chose to smoke in the first place. I have never lost the power of choice. I can chose to not smoke.
3) Illusion: Smoking makes me feel "cool". (Yep, this one was tough to admit).
Reality: Whilst I imagine there is some kudos in being different and not following the social norm, in reality this is simply punishing me. There is little value to me in being different if being different is killing me. I can be a wonderful unique lovable and "cool" person who doesn't smoke.
4) Illusion: I won't get sick from smoking. I can cheat death.
Reality: I am a human being, with a fragile and beautiful body that is as capable and as vulnerable as the next human being's body. I cannot cheat death. Smoking is cheating living. I chose to live a full and passionate life, and die when my time has come.
5) Illusion: I deserve to die early. I am simply not worth it. If smoking kills me early, then that is still too late. (No one said these have to be consistent)
Reality: My life is a gift from the divine, and I have a responsibility to myself and the divine to live it with passion and pain, struggle and success, attachment and release. Suffering is truely optional.
That's all I can do today. Now it is time for me to rest.
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