50 Day Ramble on The Quitnet
There are many people who stopped smoking in one hit. They chose the date, and they have not smoked since. This isn't to say it was easy for them - they struggled through all the cravings, the self-doubt, the temptations, the suffering, just like everyone else. It's just that they did it in one go.
Then there are others, like me who find that it took us more than one attempt. I have relapsed five times since I began my quit in earnest at the end of last year. That isn't even counting the multiple number of times I have attempted to quit over the 15 years that I smoked before that.
For me, it just wasn't the one go that did it.
So reading what I've written, you might hear the nicotine whispering in your ear: "Well, what's another slip? Maybe this time isn't quite right? It's just one cigarette. You've quit before, you can quit again."
Don't fall for it.
Do listen to the voice in you that says to keep going, and each time to give your utmost. Listen to the voice that completely ignores the past and says, "This time, I CAN and I WILL do it."
In the fifty days since I stopped smoking, my life has improved immeasurably. As well as the well-known health benefits, I have:
1) Met and fallen deeply in love with a beautiful, smart and sexy woman, who loves me too.
2) Quit a job that was driving me slowly under, and found a great new job.
3) Gone to the gym regularly, and now boast a stronger, fitter, and sexier body.
I don't think these things are unrelated. Stopping smoking has given me that self-confidence that isn't bravado. It's the self-confidence that comes from moment to moment practice of discipline and love. It comes from struggling through despite the odds.
And it's not so surprising that with that self-belief, I have found love, got a new job, and have looked after my body.
Thank you all for your support.
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