Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Side Effects

I've heard all about the irritability, the cravings, the nervous sweats, but I have now discovered the little told side effects from quitting. In the interests of scientific endeavor, I list them here:

1) Flatulence.
2) Clinical stupidity.
3) Extreme Friskiness.
4) Funny taste in mouth as phlegm arrives simultaneously with restoring sense of taste.
5) Radical Nasal Sensitivity. I can smell a smoker three miles away.
6) Extreme Friskiness.
7) Energy Failure. (Scottie to Bridge: She's Blown Cap'n I cannae get more energy from her).
8) There were more, but I can't remember what they were...
9) Oh Yes! Loss of Memory.
10) Did I mention Extreme Friskiness?

Anyway. Water, Deep Breathing, Affirmation etc seems to deal adequately with most of these, except the Extreme Friskiness.

Must Find Alternate Solution.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Day 3

Well the last quit lasted about two weeks. On Monday 22 Dec I started my last and final quit. This is one month before my 30th birthday. I started smoking about a month before my 16th birthday. This part of my life is over, and I'm moving on.

I’m getting the usual dizziness, and am really conscious of how much my energy has dropped. Plan to get a lot of sleep over the next two weeks and work my way through the dreams and cravings.

Good to be back.