Quit is going well. I'm through my initial sadness. I've been for yoga, swimming and salsa dancing, and that exercise seems to be helping me clean out the system. I'm even taking my vitamin tablets every morning!
Getting up in the morning is getting easier too. It feels like the mould that's been covering me for the last 12 years is starting to be scraped off.
Still a little dizzy mind. Completely forgot about a client meeting on Wednesday. I have no idea whether I’m coming or going at work. But that's fine. I can live with that because I know it will fade away in time.
I can feel the little needy part of me that is craving the nicotine. I'm sitting here watching him starve to death, and it's hard not to reach out and give him some nicotine. But I won't do that. I will instead hug him and tell it that I love him, and that I'm going to be there with him as he goes through this, and that I'm proud of him for doing it.